About Mansfield Weather


Mansfield's weather ranges from 40C+ Summer temperature with hot northerly winds down to as low as -5C in Winter.
Wind in the area has been measured at over 150 km/h and fronts with 70 - 90 km gusts are not uncommon.
Mansfield is approximately 40km from Mt Buller, a popular Ski Resort and next to Lake Eildon another popular
tourist destination with 500km of shoreline, holding up to 6 times more water than Sydney Harbour.


The many faces of Mansfield's Weather

An isolated Summer storm front hits with 90km+ Winds


40C Days with smoke haze from bush fires are an inevitable feature of summer

Convection Cloud generated during the 2006 Alpine fires. The cloud appeared every day for over a week and appeared
to create a 20 knot southerly smoke filled wind each afternoon at almost exactly the same time.

Smoke from the 2006 Alpine Fires.

Winter brings relief from the heat, green to the hills and snow to Mt Buller.

This is one of the rare times it snowed on us here, close to Mansfield township

Lake Eildon, a popular tourist attraction in the area, at 49% Level, Spring 2005.


Lake Eildon 2012 at Capacity


Weather Station Hardware and Setup Infomation

We use a high quality Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station.
The station is setup in accordance with CWOP recommendations in order to provide the most accurate data possible
Click here to read the full CWOP Guidelines


The Anemometer is at the top of this tower at about 440M ASL.

The Weather Station on the hilltop is about 300 Metres from the base in the house. I have various Wireless links running
from the hilltop back to the house and solar power to run it all.


This is our Stevenson Shield holding the temperature sensor and the rain collection bucket ontop. The unit is located at the bottom of the hill at 290M ASL.

We try to measure the actual air temperature. The sensor is mounted in a field at 5 feet above ground in a well ventilated area away from all sources of radiation error such as concrete, bitumen, metals, buildings etc

Surface temps are normally several degrees lower in Winter and higher in Summer, which is why you might see frost on a car even when the air temp is 2 - 3C Temp Sensors mounted on our near structures are affected by the structure.

Sometimes morning dew and frost can cause .2mm of rain to register during the morning. Sometimes possums climbing the rain gauge can also cause an odd .2mm to register.

We find our daytime max / min temps are normally within 1C of the Lake Eildon station which is at similar altitude.

There are 2 BOM stations in Eildon. One is located at the Lake Eildon Fire Tower at 600M ASL
Click here to see Lake Eildon Fire Tower Daily History

The other station is located down on edge of the Lake itself at the same altitude as our equipement.
This station typically reflects the temp reading we see here.
Click here to see the Lower Lake Eildon Station Daily History

Mansfield Weather receives around 1 million hits per month with a peak of 3.3 million hits during the 2006 fires.



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